简介: The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. Neglected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a malevolent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a trip to watch a meteor shower 月夜影视电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺等剧目在线完整观看免费蓝光版各大影视资源站最高清,是电影电视剧爱好者的第一选择!又名手机免费观看电影完整版在线观看全网收集。免费观看在线拥有海量、优质、高清完整版电影,八一影视月夜影视,全集免费在线观看搜猫电影网我们致力为所有影视迷们提供最好看的影视作品,